Pragmatic sociologies: Continuities between theoretical postulates and methodological operations

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Soledad Balerdi
Ornela Boix
Rodolfo Iuliano
Nicolás Welschinger


This article explores the relationship between theory and methodology in pragmatic-pragmatist currents. In particular, it analyzes the methodological proposals that a set of authors affiliated to the pragmatist sociology, Michel Callon, Antoine Hennion and Bruno Latour, develop in their researches around three main theoretical-epistemological principles: "to follow the actors themselves", the "action-in-the-making"and the “principle of symmetry". Rather than attending to the methodological novelty stated in these researches, this article attempts to reconstruct the uses and applications of techniques established in the methodological field to interpret in which extent it is the use and the theoretical perspective from which it is usedwhat displaces the common senses of a set of technical operations in social research.


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Balerdi, S., Boix, O., Iuliano, R., & Welschinger, N. (2017). Pragmatic sociologies: Continuities between theoretical postulates and methodological operations. Cuestiones De Sociología, (16), e027.
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