Understanding the city from its dwellers’ perspective. The relevance of social practice theory to approach mobility

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Paola Jirón
Carlos Lange


Transantiago, the city of Santiago’s public transport system, has generated multiple criticisms in terms of the limited recognition from urban and transportplannerson the relevance mobility practices have on daily life and thus on urban transport systems. Since its implementation in 2007, travellers have had to relearn to travel, create new spatialitythrough new practices and subvert processes thoughthe transformation of specific practices. This helps to establish the existence of a close link between mobility socialpractices, daily learning processes from these practices and the production of relevant and necessary knowledge to understand the city by integrating dwellers’ and planners’ perspectives. This paper proposesthe study of urban social practices as one way of understanding the role urban dwellers have on spatial development.


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Jirón, P., & Lange, C. (2017). Understanding the city from its dwellers’ perspective. The relevance of social practice theory to approach mobility. Cuestiones De Sociología, (16), e030. https://doi.org/10.24215/23468904e030
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