From a sociology of mediation to a pragmatics of attachments. Anintellectual journey within the CSI revisited
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This paper focuses on a reflexive return on my own trajectory at the CSI. My purpose is not to congeal the history but to reread it from present issues. From its foundation by L. Karpik in 1967, the CSI advocated for taking seriously the realities it was investigating (law, science and technology, business, culture). Under the heading of a possible “return to the object” in sociology, I discuss convergences and differences between fieldwork then undertaken on science and technology (STS) on a side, and on culture on the other: for instance, the use of terms like translation or mediation, or the different relation to Bourdieu’s critical sociology, that had not the same impact on each field. I then consider the emergence of pragmatist approaches in France in the 90ies and the great variety of conceptions it gave rise to, in particular through debates with close groups like the GSPM and the CEMS in Paris EHESS about the status of objects, and by examining the influence of theories of action coming from the USA. Leaning on this genealogy, I show how pragmatist claims have informed my own work on amateurs and attachments, and discuss in conclusion the importance for sociology to get more sensitive to the objects it deals with.
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