Approaches to the current state of the geopolitical situatio. New social actors, conflicts and scenarios for a multipolar world order construction
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After the Second World War, the victorious powers began a process of building a new international order, which later became the American unipolarity as a center of global gravity. This new order tipped the balance in favour of the central countries, in the new international organizations of political and economic nature. The global financial crisis, unleashed in 2008, meant a break in international power relations, generated a paralysis in the central economies and, at the same time, a process of economic growth and political articulation of the emerging economies grouped as the ‘BRICS’. This work aims to be a contribution to studies on the state of the world in the XXI Century, from the collection and analysis of previous theoretical studies and, in turn, raise my own considerations organized in two fundamental axis: on one hand , the process of transnationalization of the global economy and consolidation of the American unipolarity and, on the other, the financial crisis of 2008 and the analysis of the particular conditions of the emerging countries from a multipolar perspective. The results are intended to become the subject of debate in order to make new views of sociological perspectives on the global socioterritorial aspects.
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