Preliminary outline on the influence of Aron in the field of international relations in the anglo-saxon and peripheral worlds
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The studies of International Relations have been a predominantly Anglo-Saxon disciplinary field; however, Raymond Aron knew how to take a place in it. To unveil this situation, we set ourselves as the objective of this work to determine what their contributions have been, from the reading and analysis of his book Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations (1962). The first point that we will develop is how the work of the French author is inserted in that particular paradigmatic moment in which the discipline was found, the realism of Morgenthaunian basis. Secondly, we will aim to show both the epistemological aspects of this work, by the conjunction of theory, sociology, history and praxeology, as well as the conceptual ones used to reveal the ways in which political units operate on the international system. The fact that our author is a rara avis in a field that speaks and thinks mostly in English is one of the issues that we intend to trace from knowing how they have been received and criticized by mainstream academics. But we do not want to stop there, we also wonder about what has been its impact on the studies of international relations in Argentina, especially in the work of Juan Carlos Puig. Finally, we will outline, on the basis of the elements contributed by his theory and methodology of analysis, how the current world could be read and be able to establish if his theoretical and conceptual instruments continue to explain the operation of the international system.
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