Doing sociology of sociology. The contributions of Raymond Aron to the systematization of sociological thought

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Anabel Beliera


In systematizing sociological theory, Aron ([1967] 1996a, 1996b) escapes to order the authors harmoniously as if ideas were established with increasing degrees of consensus and development throughout history, and chose instead to show the different conceptions of authors who sought to define what social and study it in a scientific manner. His intention is not to establish a new canon of authors but to rethink the constitutive tensions of sociology. In this article I propose to take up Aron's conception of the relationship between history and theory in order to understand his own proposal for the systematization of sociological theory, and to understand it in relation to the academic context in which he participated. Likewise, I will evaluate the reception of his social theory in the sociology taught in the 21st century in Argentina.


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Beliera, A. (2019). Doing sociology of sociology. The contributions of Raymond Aron to the systematization of sociological thought. Cuestiones De Sociología, (20), e076.
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