Workers of digital platforms: Working conditions in on-demand delivery platforms in Argentina

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Andrea Del Bono


The article identifies the problems that characterize the working conditions of the delivery workers of two on-demand delivery platforms – the Catalan Glovo and the Colombian Rappi – that operate in several Argentine cities since 2018. Based on interviews with workers, analysis of forums and social networks, field observations and press surveys, the research analyzed the situation in the employment of the delivery workers via apps, in what refers to the relationship between the platform and its role as employer, and their recognition as workers. From an overview, the working conditions are described as worrying because they reflect the unfair treatment received by platform workers. The nature of algorithmic management and its impact on the organization of work is also analyzed. Finally, the article asks about the difficulties that have the delivery workers in organizing collectively and presents the strategies that platform workers have deployed to make their claims heard.


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How to Cite
Del Bono, A. (2019). Workers of digital platforms: Working conditions in on-demand delivery platforms in Argentina. Cuestiones De Sociología, (21), e083.


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