Actions and images on urban poverty in Buenos Aires and Seattle

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Santiago Canevaro
Nicolás Viotti
Sarah Elwood Faustino


In this article we analyze the relational construction of the middle class from a comparative study between Seattle and Buenos Aires during the period of relative recovery of the socioeconomic crisis. With the theory of relational poverty as a conceptual axis, we understand that class subjectivities are reproduced or challenged through interactions that cross or confront the boundaries between social groups. Our analysis reveals that poverty is a key point for the formation of middle-class groups in both countries and that poverty can produce alternative readings of the formation of the middle class in the United States and Argentina.


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Canevaro, S., Viotti, N., & Elwood Faustino, S. (2024). Actions and images on urban poverty in Buenos Aires and Seattle. Cuestiones De Sociología, (29), e168.


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