The Impact of Digital Technology on Work: From Deterministic Theories to Union Strategies

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Jérôme Gautié
Coralie Perez


The analysis about the impact of digital technology on work and employment has increased in recent years within the academic field. In general terms, the vast majority of approaches do not escape a certain technological determinism. The aim of this article, on the other hand, is to highlight the variability in the use of technological innovation in the world of work, whether within the same sector of activity or even within the same company, and to highlight the factors (institutional, strategic, organisational) that contribute to explaining this variability. Empirically, the article is supported by qualitative case studies conducted in Central European countries as part of a comparative research project on technological and organizational innovations across various sectors, including logistics and aeronautics. The first case examined is the logistics sector, studied in France and Germany, where "digital Taylorism" is prevalent. This is contrasted with the aeronautics sector, where, although there is a general trend towards "improvement" in working conditions, significant differences between countries (specifically France and Sweden) are observed. Finally, the article discusses the factors influencing the emergence of these different scenarios, particularly focusing on the role of trade unions in shaping the outcomes.


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How to Cite
Gautié, J., & Perez, C. (2024). The Impact of Digital Technology on Work: From Deterministic Theories to Union Strategies. Cuestiones De Sociología, (30), e173.


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