The public problem of the pandemic in the provinces. Structuring of the media agenda of newspapers and radio stations in Santiago del Estero around COVID-19

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Ramiro Llanos Paz


The purpose of this article is to present the results of a work that addressed the study of media in pandemic contexts (and that is framed within a broader project that was based at INDES). In it, the analysis of the media agenda of one of the most important newspapers in Santiago del Estero –El Liberal– was proposed, for this we worked with a corpus of news extracted in a period of 12 months (March/2020 - February/2021). Additionally, the case of two local radio stations was analyzed, investigating their resources and strategies in news production. With this we seek to discuss the social function of the media, their struggles for the definition of public problems, and especially what and how they prioritized the issues during covid-19, understanding that they play a central role in the formation of public opinion and the construction of citizenship. The data and theoretical-empirical reflections presented here were based on more than 3,000 news items and interviews with the actors involved.


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How to Cite
Llanos Paz, R. (2025). The public problem of the pandemic in the provinces. Structuring of the media agenda of newspapers and radio stations in Santiago del Estero around COVID-19. Cuestiones De Sociología, (31), e187.


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