El PRT-La Verdad entre los trabajadores de la carne de Berisso: La agrupación El Activista de la Carne y la Lista Gris [1967-1972]

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Christian Carlos Hernán Castillo


This article is part of a research about the working class and students struggles and the strategies of the left parties in La Plata city and Gran La Plata between 1966 and 1973. This work is focused on the study of the political activity of the PRT-La Verdad during this period. At the beginning of 1968 the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores -PRT split in two fractions. The fraction led by Nahuel Moreno -named PRT-La Verdad [PRT- The Truth]- was the largest of the two in La Plata y Gran La Plata. In this area the PRT had many members among the students and in the workers movement. This article studies the political activity of the PRT, and the PRT-LV after the split- in the Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados de la Industria de la Carne y Afines de Berisso [Meat Processing Plants Workers Union], between 1967 and 1972 at the Swift and Armour meat processing plants. During the period analyzed in the article, the members and supporters of the PRT-LV were organized in a rank and file union group named El Activista de la Carne - Lista Gris [The Activist-Gray List]. The sources of this research are the bulletins and leaflets edited by El Activista de la Carne. We also consulted the files of DIPBA as well as the bibliography on the subject


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How to Cite
Castillo, C. C. H. (2011). El PRT-La Verdad entre los trabajadores de la carne de Berisso: La agrupación El Activista de la Carne y la Lista Gris [1967-1972]. Cuestiones De Sociología, (7). Retrieved from https://www.cuestionessociologia.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/CSn07a12
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