Los Pasos Perdidos. Acerca del itinerario polí­tico-ideológico de uno de los grupos fundadores de las 'Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias' [1960-1966]

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Mora González Canosa


Undoubtedly, the armed revolutionary organizations had a fundamental role in the political dynamics of the seventies. On the "Revolutionary Armed Forces" [FAR] we do not have yet any specific work in spite of that its conformation speaks to us on a matter of great relevancy in the period: the process of radicalization and "peronización" on the left. This article analyzes the political-ideological itinerary crossed in the first half of the sixties by the set of militants that will form one of the founding groups of FAR, that one led by Arturo Lewinger, later a leader of the first level in the organization. After outlining the political trajectory crossed by this group of militants, the paper analyzes three topics closely linked: his considerations on the "fact peronista", the theme of the "national question" and the varied strategies they conceived to facilitate the "national and social liberation" that they were stimulating. It is argued that in this itinerary can be seen an increasing revaluation of the peronismo, the change of an internationalist conception to think the revolution to other one centred on the question of the nation and also a wide variety of political strategies, that included a generically insurrectional perspective, the idea of a civic-military coup and finally a guerrilla strategy inspired by the "guevarismo"


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How to Cite
González Canosa, M. (2011). Los Pasos Perdidos. Acerca del itinerario polí­tico-ideológico de uno de los grupos fundadores de las ’Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias’ [1960-1966]. Cuestiones De Sociología, (7). Retrieved from https://www.cuestionessociologia.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/CSn07a14
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