University and Democratic Transition: Curricular Reforms and Reconfigurations in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (1984-1987)

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Guillermo Jajamovich


This paper presents the analysis of a series of reforms in the curricula at the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires that took place during the democratic transition. Factors that enabled or limited the expansion of various networks of faculties, professionals and technicians whose careers, know-how, political positions and intervention perspectives differ are taken into account. This study hinges on the analysis of primary and secondary sources. It is postulated that the expansion of networks does not respond to intrinsic aspects. By contrast, their differential expansion is the result of academic and political issues. Thus, its expansion and / or regression is linked to their political connections and to the changing political - economic frameworks.


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How to Cite
Jajamovich, G. (2012). University and Democratic Transition: Curricular Reforms and Reconfigurations in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (1984-1987). Cuestiones De Sociología, (8). Retrieved from
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