Rodolfo Kusch and the constitution of what’s popular in Argentina

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Lautaro Rivara


From the works of argentine philosopher Rodolfo Kusch (1922-1979) divided in five lines of reflection-researching, we will board his thesis about the constitution of the popular in Argentina, stopping in two moments. At first, we will elaborate his particular reading on the political cycle of independence and the period of argentine national and state-wise organization, focusing in his debate with the classic Sarmiento duality of “civilization or barbarism” and noting the similarity of some of the author’s concepts with the recent input of the modernity/coloniality paradigm. Later we will focus on the persistence of the indigenous in the constitution of how popular in our country, dialoguing with other positions of the national and latinamerican thinking and arriving to some conclusions for the social research


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How to Cite
Rivara, L. (2016). Rodolfo Kusch and the constitution of what’s popular in Argentina. Cuestiones De Sociología, (14), e008. Retrieved from
Notas de investigación


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