La Plata en las vísperas montoneras: Una reconstrucción de las condiciones sociales y políticas de la masificación y radicalización política de la JP platense y su articulación con Montoneros [1970-72]
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This article deals with the process of political radicalization and popularization of the Juventud Peronista of La Plata and its articulation with Montoneros. It covers the intense period between mid 1970's and the return of Perón at the end of 1972. During that span, the group of La Plata experienced growth and a development of a significant political activity, especially in student and local terms, and was included at the end of 1972 in Montoneros's 'mass strategy'. Based on joumalistic and testimo ªnial sources, the aim is to reconstruct the 'radicalization scenario of La Plata'. By this we mean the local demographic, social, political, ideological features that contribu ªted to the mobilizations. On the other hand, we deal with political dynamics : first, the panty politics encouraged by the electoral opening, and then the revolutionary politics speeded up by the armed organizations. In both, the Juventud Peronista of La Plata consolidated and, at the end of the process, it ended up articulated with Montoneros to later develop an important 'mass work'
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Robles, H. B. (2009). La Plata en las vísperas montoneras: Una reconstrucción de las condiciones sociales y políticas de la masificación y radicalización política de la JP platense y su articulación con Montoneros [1970-72]. Cuestiones De Sociología, (5/6). Retrieved from
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