Diagnostics and beyond: Times, caring and motherhood in women-mothers of children and adolescent with mental health diagnosis (Buenos Aires City, 2018)
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The aim of the article is to analyze the transformations in the care practices and meanings of motherhood of women-mothers of children or adolescents who had a diagnosis in mental health and were treated by it during 2018. Results of a study performed in a hospital in the City of Buenos Aires are presented. As a theoretical framework, contributions from the sociology of diagnosis and the sociology of time are integrated, from a gender perspective. The data were obtained according to a qualitative methodology, with semi-structured interviews with three women-mothers whose children attended the Social Service Area of the Day Hospital device, and four professionals (psychologist and social workers). The results cover two axes: care practices of women-mothers towards their children, and the senses of motherhood of women-mothers and professionals. The conclusions mark the incidence of the mental health diagnosis of children and adolescents in the relationship, the labor-economic, the affective, the conception of time and activities, and the personal care of women-mothers, and their future projects.
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