The activation of the settled. The community kitchens in the sociocultural fabric of the vulnerable neighborhoods during the pandemic
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The aim of this article is to reflect on the specific role, practices and dynamics deployed by a key actor in vulnerable neighborhoods in times of pandemic: community kitchens. In this context we ask: What perspectives did these actors build about the food situation of families in general and children and adolescents in particular? How did they organize themselves in order to manage the food issue? What knowledge and meanings were put into play? What characteristics did the link with families and children and adolescents in particular assume? What role did other policies and programs that were directly or indirectly associated with food such as the Emergency Family Income, the Universal Child Allowance and the Alimentar Card play? A qualitative approach, based on in-depth interviews, is used to address these questions, taking eight popular neighborhoods in La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada as case studies.
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