An analysis of the motivations of couples without living together in the city of Santiago del Estero
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This work focuses on a way of joining as a couple, in which the members of it recognize each other as such, but live in separate houses. They are known as LAT Couples. This denomination comes from its acronym in English “Living Apart Together”,that translated into Spanish means “Viviendo juntos pero separados”.
More precisely, it is going to inquire about the motivations that lead people to get involved in this type of relationship. From a qualitative approach, with a phenomenological perspective, based on the testimonies of the interviewees, it seeks to know the experiences of relationships of couples prior to the current one, either without coexistence or not; the reasons why those relationships have ended; their family history, that is to say, the experiences of their parents and grandparents regarding couple relationships. And concerning the future, the common goals of the couple.
In general, it is stand out monogamous ties in previous couples and this meaning is maintained in the current relationship, and the same happens with the experiences of their relatives, based on traditional ties. In addition, there is no long-term planning and it is sought to have ideological coincidences in the couple.
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